Všechno možne
Arcane Blast : 38538
Arcane Bubble : 38538
Arcane Explosion : 29973
Atrophy : 40327
Avatar of Flame : 15636
Blast Nova : 30616
Blinding Passion : 30890
Bone Smelt : 30890
llidari Flames : 40938
Periodic Knock Away : 21737
Meteor : 41276
Needle Spine : 39835
Nether Burn : 30522
Nether Infusion : 38688
Parachute : 37897
Cave In : 36240
Chains of Ice : 512
Chaos Blast : 37675
Charred Earth : 30129
Corrupted Light : 41965
Corruption of the Earth : 24910
Curse of Flames : 38010
Cyclone : 39594
Dark Barrage : 40585
Dark Decay : 33129
Dark Glare : 41937
Dark Mending : 41938
Dark Shell : 38759
Deaden : 41410
Death & Decay : 31258
Distracting Ash : 30280
Earthquake : 32686
Eternal Affection : 30878
Finger of Death : 31984
Fire Shield : 2602
Flame Buffet : 41596
Flame Burst : 41131
Flame Crash : 40832
Flame Wave : 33804
Flamebreak : 16785
Frost Blast : 29879
Frost Burn : 23189
Geyser : 37427
Geyser2 : 10987
Gift of the Water Spirit : 30874
Gravity Lapse : 35941
Hand of Death : 35354
Hateful Bolt : 30383
Hell Rain : 38917
Parasitic Shadowfiend : 41917
Poison Shield : 34355
Prismatic Shield : 38905
Quake : 26093
Rain of Bones : 37098
Rain of Fire : 27212
Rune Shield : 41431
Sacrifice : 30115
Scalding Water : 37284
Shadow Burst : 34436
Shadow Barrier : 17151
Shadow of Death : 40251
Shadow Strike : 40685
Shadows Embrace : 34922
Soul Drain : 41303
Soul Scream : 41545
Spirit Shield : 40322
27741 Love is in the Air
27742 Amorous Timer, Standard
33340 BLue Portal State
42047 Boss Arcane Portal State
42048 Boss Fire Portal state
42049 Boss Frost Portal State
42051 Boss Holy Portal State
33339 Green Portal State
33342 Purple Portal State
33341 Yellow Portal State
37383 Death's Door Portal State
27589 Black Grasp of the Destroyer
27254 dmg8
27255 dmg9
27258 dmg10
27261 dmg11
27249 Summon Spectral Assassin
27201 Summon Kormok DND
27202 Summon Lord Valthalak DND
27203 Summon Various DND
27184 Summon Mor Grayhoof DND
27190 Summon Isalien DND
27191 Summon Jarien and Sothos DND
27057 Test Black Diamond
27058 Test Black Diamond AGAIN
27059 Test Black Diamond Debug
27093 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon +15 Strength
27098 Copy of Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
27100 Copy of Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
27102 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon Unholy Weapon
27104 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon Lifestealing
27105 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant 2H Weapon Superior Impact
27106 Copy of Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking
27107 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Chest Greater Stats
27108 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Frost Power
27109 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Fire Power
27110 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Shadow Power
27111 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Healing Power
27112 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Superior Agility
27113 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Threat
27114 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Skinning
27115 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Bracer Mana Regeneration
27116 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Bracer Healing Power
27117 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Shield Lesser Block
27118 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Greater Fire Resistance
27119 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Greater Nature Resistance
27120 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Stealth
27121 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Subtlety
27122 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Dodge
27123 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon Superior Striking
27146 Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
26683 Get Gosssip, Test
26684 Get Gossip, Male
26685 Get Gossip, Female
26659 Sam's Test Aura
26459 Increase Spell Dam 80
26460 Increase Spell Dam 76
26461 Increase Healing 143
26462 Festival Fortune!
26463 Mercurial Shield
26464 Mercurial Shield
26465 Mercurial Shield
26467 Persistent Shield
26468 Summon Snowman
26469 Summon Snowman
26470 Persistent Shield
26471 Lunar Festival Port Error
26472 Food
26473 Drink
26474 Food
26475 Drink
26476 Digestive Acid
26477 Summon Giant Portal Ground State
26478 Ground Rupture
26479 Digestive Acid
26480 Badge of the Swarmguard
26481 Insight of the Qiraji
26483 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - D
26484 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - N
26485 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - SE
26486 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - SW
26487 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - U
26488 Large Blue Firework Cluster
26489 Entering Battleground
26490 Large Green Firework Cluster
26491 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - D
26492 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - N
26493 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - SE
26494 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - SW
26495 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - U
26496 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - D
26497 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - N
26498 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - SE
26499 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - SW
26500 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - U
26501 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - D
26502 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - N
26503 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - SE
26504 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - SW
26505 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - U
26506 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - D
26507 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - N
26508 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - SE
26509 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - SW
26510 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - U
26511 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - D
26512 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - N
26513 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - SE
26514 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - SW
26515 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - U
26516 Large Purple Firework Cluster
26517 Large Red Firework Cluster
26518 Large White Firework Cluster
26519 Large Yellow Firework Cluster
26520 Night Elf Lunar Festival Emissary
26521 Lucky Lunar Rocket
26522 Lunar Fortune
26523 Rajaxx Event - Bonus Cenarion Faction
26227 Increase Spell Dam 68
26228 Increase Healing 121
26229 Summon Player
26230 Exit Stomach
26231 Christmas Goraluk Anvilcrack
26232 Transform C'Thun -> Phase 2
26233 Wyvern Sting
26234 Submerge Visual
26235 Cthun Vulnerable
26236 Summon Mouth Tentacles
26237 Summon Mouth Tentacles
26239 Winter Reveler - Human Male
26240 Winter Reveler - Human Female
26241 Winter Reveler - Dwarf Male
26242 Winter Reveler - Dwarf Female
26243 Winter Reveler - Goblin Female
26244 Winter Reveler - Goblin Male
26245 Winter Reveler - Night Elf Female
26246 Winter Reveler - Night Elf Male
26247 Winter Reveler - Orc Female
26248 Winter Reveler - Orc Male
26249 Winter Reveler - Tauren Female
26250 Winter Reveler - Tauren Male
26251 Winter Reveler - Troll Female
26252 Winter Reveler - Troll Male
26253 Winter Reveler - Undead Female
26254 .Winter Reveler - Undead Male
26158 Increase Spell Dam 60
26159 Gnomeregan Reputation
26160 Ironforge Reputation
26161 Stormwind Reputation
26162 Orgrimmar Reputation
26163 Darkspear Reputation
26164 Undercity Reputation
26165 Thunder Bluff Reputation
**Unusefull Spells **
Detonate Mana : 27819
Blue Beam : 3180
Eye Beam : 26134
Fel Energy Beam : 33535
Green Beam : 35846
Nether Beam : 35869
Purple Beam : 31902
Red Beam : 30944
Sinful Beam : 40827
Sinister Beam : 40859
Star Beam : 30888
Vile Beam : 40860
Vimgol Pentagram Beam : 39921
Wave Beam : 6061
Welding Beam : 35919
Wicked Beam : 40861
Clear Nether Beam : 37072
Containment Beam : 36220
Cosmetic Purple Beam : 38632
Pillar of Fire : 43218
Dropping Heavy Bomb : 33836
Rock Rumble : 38777
**Mount Spells**
Swift Pink Hawkstrider : 28936
Black Hawkstrider : 29221
Blue Hawkstrider : 29220
Purple Hawkstrider : 29222
Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber : 13086
Swift Dawnsaber : 23220
Chromatic Mount : 24576
Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor : 8586
Whistle of the Emerald Raptor : 8588
Old Whistle of the Ivory Raptor : 8589
Old Whistle of the Obsidian Raptor : 8590
Black War Kodo : 18247
Great White Kodo : 18793
Great Brown Kodo : 18794
Great Gray Kodo : 18795
Black War Kodo : 29466
Whistle of the Turquoise Raptor : 8591
Swift Olive Raptor : 18789
Swift Orange Raptor : 18790
Swift Razzashi Raptor : 19872
Whistle of the Black War Raptor : 29472
Horn of the Brown Wolf : 5668
Horn of the Red Wolf : 12330
Horn of the Arctic Wolf : 12351
Horn of the Black War Wolf : 18245
Horn of the Swift Brown Wolf : 18796
Horn of the Swift Timber Wolf : 18797
Horn of the Swift Gray Wolf : 18798
Horn of the Frostwolf Howler : 19029
Horn of the Black War Wolf : 29469
Purple Skeletal Warhorse : 18791
Red Skeletal Warhorse : 29470
Fiery Warhorse's Reins : 30480
Black Ram : 13328
Frost Ram : 13329
Swift Gray Ram : 18787
Green Kodo : 15292
Teal Kodo : 15293
Swift Pink Hawkstrider : 28936
Black Hawkstrider : 29221
Blue Hawkstrider : 29220
Purple Hawkstrider : 29222
Swift Green Hawkstrider : 29223
Swift Purple Hawkstrider : 29224
Swift Spectral Tiger : 33225
**GM Spells**
Area-Death : 265
Banish : 35182
Death Touch : 5
FrostBolt of Ages : 11
Internal Knowledge : 36356
Master Buff (Physical) : 35874
Master Buff (Magical) : 35912
Master Buff (Ranged) : 38734
Spell Absorbtion : 41034
Spell Blasting : 25906
Spell Bomb : 40303
Spell Focus : 12854
Spell Focus Trigger : 32837
Spell Breaker : 36073
Spell Steal : 30449
GM Shackle : 38505
GM Frost Nova : 39258
GM Spell Haste : 40395
Instant Heal : 1908
Windfury : 35886
Blessing of Spell Warding : 41451
GM Spell Haste : 40395
DEBUG: Spell Reflection : 2583
Lesser Spell Blasting : 32106
Perfect Spell Reflection : 33719
Unknown : 22093
.npc spawn 50000 : Dungeon 1
.npc spawn 50001 : Dungeon 2
.npc spawn 50002 : Dungeon 3
.npc spawn 50003 : Tier 1
.npc spawn 50004 : Tier 2
.npc spawn 50005 : Tier 3
.npc spawn 50006 : Tier 4
.npc spawn 50007 : Tier 5
.npc spawn 50008 : Tier 6
.npc spawn 50009 : Wrist
.npc spawn 50010 : Waist
.npc spawn 50011 : Feet
.npc spawn 50012 : Shield
.npc spawn 50015 : Weapons for 50+
.npc spawn 50016 : Weapons for 60+
.npc spawn 50017 : Weapons for 65+
.npc spawn 50018 : Weapons 75+
.npc spawn 50019 : Weapons for 100+
Gear: Necklace, Rings....
.npc spawn 50020 : Necklace
.npc spawn 50021 : Rings
.npc spawn 50022 : Trinket
.npc spawn 50023 : Cloak
.npc spawn 50024 : Shirt
.npc spawn 50025 : Tabard
.npc spawn 50026 : Misc
.npc spawn 50029 : Libram/ Totem
.npc spawn 50030 : Season 1
.npc spawn 50031 : Season 1
.npc spawn 50032 : Season 1
.npc spawn 50033 : Season 2
.npc spawn 50034 : Season 2
.npc spawn 50035 : Season 2
.npc spawn 50040 : Gems 1
.npc spawn 50041 : Gems 2
.npc spawn 50042 : Mount 1
.npc spawn 50043 : Mount 2
.npc spawn 50044 : Projectile ( Ammo )
.npc spawn 50045 : Container ( diferent bags )
.npc spawn 50049 : Currency ( Tokens for Tiers and other stuffs )
.npc spawn 50050 to 50065 : Recipe Vendors
.npc spawn 50066 to 50078 : Materials Vendors.
Přehled komentářů
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(Dames Smaws, 2. 9. 2019 23:47)Depending on the layout of the house and the wishes of the customer to the design can be used marching, slanting, screw, combined and other types of glass stairs. Floating is a relatively simple type of stairs straight or curved designs, the essential element of which is the presence of the inclined series of steps and connecting them stairs (respectively rectangular or semicircular shape). The most common type of stairway has a slope of 30-45°. In such a ladder, the biomechanics of a person who moves up or down it is taken into account as much as possible. The advantage of the design of the flight stairs-the maximum strength with a minimum number of connections. For attaching stairs to the Bolza is used the same type of hinged plates boltov that is a metal fastener, which is used for sequential mounting steps. Stairs can be straight or winder. This type of ladder design allows you to make the mount almost invisible in connection with what has gained great popularity among designers. But, despite the "visual lightness", these stairs are able to withstand heavy loads, in particular, in cases where the design of the stairs is enhanced by a combination with a braid, bowstring or wall mount. In terms of design and construction, the combined staircases are characterized by a free spatial configuration, in which the elements of the staircases are combined with various spiral (screw) structures. Most modular and small stairs are also combined. Combined glass stairs-a vivid example of architectural construction in the style of "eclecticism" - the direction in which an arbitrary combination of styles, designs and materials is used. They are original engineering and artistic solutions. To perform such complex work requires the joint work of the architect and designer and, of course, a high level of professionalism of the installation team
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(bricp.imwmalt.be, 28. 5. 2019 15:08)
Today, while I was at work, my cousin stole my iphone and tested to see if it can survive a forty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
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